So I Says to Mabel, I Says...
So I Says to Mabel, I Says...
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Back Home
After successfully making my flight, I inevitably arrived in the city of Vancouver. Having previously acknowledged the importance of securing accommodation in said city, one of two rooms in apartment #4, building 1116, at the corner of 12th and Spruce was prepared for my arrival. And it is in this space from wich I would like to announce, electronically, the end of my journey; and, regrettably, the end of my conversation with Mabel.

Thanks for reading.

Originally uploaded by soisaystomable.


Originally uploaded by soisaystomable.


Originally uploaded by soisaystomable.


Originally uploaded by soisaystomable.


Originally uploaded by soisaystomable.


Originally uploaded by soisaystomable.


Originally uploaded by soisaystomable.

That Worked Out.
Thank you Lea for keeping me off London park benches last night. You're great.

I've had this strategy for the past few years where I wait until the very last instant to arrive at the gate and board the plane. The objective is always to get on at the last possible moment. This usually causes hella stress to everyone I'm travelling with especially my Dad. I've never missed a flight, but today I nearly blew it. A thirty minute security line-up spat me out into duty free hell where signs indicated a further twenty minute walk to the gate. Anyway I wound up on a golf cart screaming down the hallway to the gate and narrowly made the flight. But I've still never missed a flight.
Couch in London?
So it seems to be I'm suddenly stranded in London. If you happen to live there, and have a couch vacancy, my sorry ass would be quite appreciative if you would commentate your number!
Best is Yet to Come
Glad to say that this last full day of France has been the best yet. It was all there, a nice buzz and some tastie waves. Tonight won't be any worse, as the hostel pub is opening up, and the boyz are ready to rock. It's been nice keeping this blog a bloggin', and thanks for the commentations. I've yet to throw on a few pictures and I have a few more things to say. Tomorrow I'm off to London, then Thursday I connect to the beautiful city of Vancouver. Throw some beers in the fridge for me, I'll be home soon.
Stubbed Toe
I stubbed my toe today and it bled real bad. May keep me out of the water for the rest of the trip. Which, being the subject of the blog, I should mention ends Thursday. I've been away for three months now, and just in these past few days have I found complete relaxation. Thanks bonnie prince billy.

I would also like to add another shout out to my brotha in crime Dana who has posted some beautiful pictures from his trip to central america on his blog.
Yeep-Ah !!
I believe I had previously posted that it had been crap for way to long. Yesterday that changed. Light off-shore winds and 1.5 meter swell, of course everyone and their dog was out in there, but the waves were epic. Our Aussie bretheren got pitted, and I got an alright wave.
Last night was just as good. Half the hostel came out for a night in Bayonne dancing to French music and two dollar drinks. The cab driver on the way back was a basque separatist, and he was rather bummed when I told him the Quebec movement wasn't doing too good.
blown out again today so we bummed around town, me and these aussies and this floridian dude ryan who is cool. but that got old so we checked out this sk8 park wich was supposed to suck but it ruled except for the little grommets dropping in everywhere. poked and beer tonight, lots of hostel love. surfs up thursday, but I aint holdin my breath.
ps. still looking for a home. any leads in kits dt holla at me you know my e-mail. love bill.
Blown Out
Friday night was probably one of the gnarlyest storms I have slept though. The ocean was out of control, the wind was barelling on shore, and there was no delay between the lightning and the thunder. This leaves us with rather crap surf, but more importantly the beach has turned into a garbage dump. A huge rim of trash has blown onto the beach, so thick that you'd be hard-pressed to make it into the water without stepping on someones old organge peel.
The french seem to be pretty clean, so my only guess is that all this trash, which consists of anything you can imagine (incuding a dead goat) came from Spain. Damn Spaniards are filthy bastards.
A Post with a Purpose
So I moved out of my appartment and into a hostel, but a different hostel. This one is cheaper and closer to the beach. I was getting cabin fever sharing that dorm room with two other dudes, so sharing a larger room with five other dudes is a nice change, really.
Why This?
I have a list of five things I want to blog about but I feel like I need to blog about this.
What the hell is a blog? My Dad says to me sometimes that he's been reading my 'blog thingy.' I sent an e-mail to my buddy who I met in Morroco telling him to check it out and he responded saying that he wasn't really sure what it was, but that he was going to investigate. This is a good thing because I think blogs need a little investigating.
The amazing thing about blogs is that they (or at least many) don't have any particular purpose. I mean sure I'm blogging about my trip right, but I don't mind that more often than not I digress from the "purpose." And what amazes me is that although I yabber on about the most random sheeze, you keep reading!? I guess that's the cool thing about blogs though is that you never really know what's going to be posted. It could be a link to some random website, or news, or whatever the hell I feel like writing about.
This comes out of me trying to figure out how to make this blog "better" which I decided is impossible because it's really about nothing. And how do you do better at nothing? How about I'm just going to keep on doing my thing and you can keep on reading while you should be working and we'll leave it at that. Thanks for reading, check back tomorrow, in the mean time get back to work.
I thought I'd clean up the design a bit, but my dreamweaver "test" period has expierd and I've had to fall back on my non-existent html skillz. As you can see I somehow managed to make the blogger images dissapear. I'm not exactly sure how this happend. So if you work for Blogger and your reading this wondering wether or not to pull the plug on me, just know it was an honest mistake.
I hadn't had a haircut since I left Vancouver over two months ago an my mop was getting pretty wild. So I shaved my head. This is business as usual, I like to keep my noggin closely groomed. It simplifies things...nothing to comb, no hair to dry, no bedhead. It feels quite refreshing.
Shout out day
Lots of buddies to refer you to today. My old friend Warwick shot a mountain bike film which has been nominated for Bike Magazine's Film of the Year. This is a big deal in the mountain bike world. Warwick's been shooting great photography and film for a while now and it seems to be paying off. Best of luck Dub P!
The Clock is Ticking
My buddy Duncan writes the best blog on the internet, hands down. Check it out and try not to get addicted.

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