So I Says to Mabel, I Says...
So I Says to Mabel, I Says...
Why This?
I have a list of five things I want to blog about but I feel like I need to blog about this.
What the hell is a blog? My Dad says to me sometimes that he's been reading my 'blog thingy.' I sent an e-mail to my buddy who I met in Morroco telling him to check it out and he responded saying that he wasn't really sure what it was, but that he was going to investigate. This is a good thing because I think blogs need a little investigating.
The amazing thing about blogs is that they (or at least many) don't have any particular purpose. I mean sure I'm blogging about my trip right, but I don't mind that more often than not I digress from the "purpose." And what amazes me is that although I yabber on about the most random sheeze, you keep reading!? I guess that's the cool thing about blogs though is that you never really know what's going to be posted. It could be a link to some random website, or news, or whatever the hell I feel like writing about.
This comes out of me trying to figure out how to make this blog "better" which I decided is impossible because it's really about nothing. And how do you do better at nothing? How about I'm just going to keep on doing my thing and you can keep on reading while you should be working and we'll leave it at that. Thanks for reading, check back tomorrow, in the mean time get back to work.
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