So I Says to Mabel, I Says...
So I Says to Mabel, I Says...
Skipping Portugal
After spending two days lugging my bags from Morocco to Madrid, I've decided I've had enough travelling for a while. So I'm skipping Portugal for now and heading straight back to France.
Theivery Accommodation
We've been staying in this relatively nice hotel, right in front of a famous Moroccan point break for about a week now. The place is run by Abdullah, a suave godfather type figure who wears nothing besides his cherished HUGO BOSS long-sleeve, and his brother Leslie. The younger of the two is very tall, buck toothed, beady and goes about his day cleaning with a wide dumb smile across his face. Abdullah is prone to shouting angrily at Leslie, who in turn is prone to messing up. He comes off as the kindest, most accommodating guy in the village, but seems to nice and frankly too stupid to actually get anything done.
We'd heard roomers, and witnessed enough animated skirmishes with departing guests that we were weary about theivery. I've taken care to hide my money and to always keep the doors locked, so I wasn't too concerned.
Getting home from surfing yesterday, Mark (our neighbor) said that he had woken up shortly after we'd left and seen Leslie poking around our room. He was out in a hurry after that though. Nothing was missing. Calmly, Mat went downstairs and asked him why he'd been in our room. He denied and played the too nice, too dumb routine. A little while later he came upstairs and attempted to emphasize, but his English was so bad I could hardly understand what he was saying. I told him we'd speak to his brother in the morning. He broke down sobbing and spent the next half hour wailing, running up and down the stairs, banging on walls and knocking over flower pots.

So needless to say this will be my last night at Theivery Accommodation, tomorrow I head towards Portugal.

Originally uploaded by soisaystomable.


Originally uploaded by soisaystomable.


Originally uploaded by soisaystomable.


Originally uploaded by soisaystomable.


Originally uploaded by soisaystomable.

Developing Worlds...
I apologize for being so tardy with my postings, (Im sure you've missed my ranting!) but internet is not all that common out here. Being in Morocco is an incredible experience which can be rather shocking at times.
Mat and I hopped a fairy from Spain to Tangir, and upon arrival were bombarded by scammers or "guides" who were not only liars and cheats, but also suave and tactful. We managed to minimalize our losses and enjoy the cites market before heading out on a bus down the coast. The following morning we arrived in Agadir and cabbed to a small surfing town not unlike Pescadero. The towns got pretty much everything we need (except web access), and the living is very cheap. The waves until now have been pretty crap so we ve been bussing to a beach break up north. (The ride on the bus is INSANE). Ideally we would surf the beak directly in front of the Auberge. Swell should be arriving on Thursday, and after that peters out I ll head back to Europe.
We made it down the coast by train and spent a day in Cadiz; but it was flat. Made it to Morocco this aft and we are getting a bus down to Agadir tonight. Actually quite cheap; the whole trip from Biarritz to Taghazoute should be under 200. More pics to come...this place is rad.

Originally uploaded by soisaystomable.
Yesterday the surf was mediocre at best, but there were a few local guys out there getting rides so we figured it was worth a shot. I came dangerously close to catching a wave but still no real success.
In the evening we hit about 6 different bars but surprisingly things didn't seem all that wild. After a long-ish night Mat and I went down to La Rotanda which was supposedly the 'late' bar. But when they say late they mean hella late 'cause it was just getting started. At 3:30 in the morning we made our way in through hordes of young Spaniards on their way out.
Biarritz Bar

Biarritz Bar
Originally uploaded by soisaystomable.
Mat and I have just arrived in San Sebastien. My photos of Biarritz hardly do it justice...maybe Dana could do better??
San Sebastien is older, denser and infinately more vibrant than France. Plus, the beach is somewhat sheltered from the massive winter swells, making the waves somewhat managable. We'll be here for a few days, surfing and looking for a board for Mat. Oh, and we hear the partying here is OFF THE HOOK! so...watchout Spanish girls, Mat is on the prowl!
The Plans, they are a changin'
Biarritz is not only beautiful it is also expensive. Closet size apartments here run around 450 euro. I met this dude Mat from North Dakota and he's heading down to Morroco so...
Mat is a cool guy. We have several things in common such as an interest in Hemmingway and an affinity for surfing. It's looking like we may coordinate a trip down the coast 'till we reach the Sahara. Nothing is firm yet but I'll keep you all posted.

Also the surf is MONSTROUS! For the past few days I have been pretty much the only idiot out in the water, scaring myself shitless. The thing with France is that there are no sheltered breaks. When the swell is 20' (like now) it hammers the beach right up the coast. Today is supposed to be more manageable
freakin technology...
All my plans have been foiled by one rudimentary piece of equipment: the European power outlet. My outlet adapter blew its fuse and my laptop has no juice, so hence no pics. Have patience dunc...
gmail, posts...
Thanks for all the e-mails ma brothas and sistas. I have heard from Krista and she has arrived safely and found a place to live, although she is a bit homesick.
If any of you are still wanting to try g-mail just let me know and I'll send you an invite.
You guys know you can post comments underneath my posts right! I'll try and post more controversial stuff, so you can get your comment on my brothas and sistas!
Dragging surf gear through subways and airports is lame. But France...France is not lame.
I don't even know what to say. I've had this huge grin smeared across my face since I arrived. I went for déjeuner this morning and the restauranteur greets me and seats me and feeds me une baguette avec beurre (I've had more bread in two days than I'd otherwise eat in a week) and...and the richest hot chocolate, for breakfast! In the grocery store there are three rows: one for bread, one for cheese and one for chocolate. There is also a chocolate museum in town (no joke). Everything in this city either is chocolate, or is just like it. Every building and glance down each side street, each individual and each conversation is rich milk chocolate. My only challenge is to pace myself.

Originally uploaded by soisaystomable.
Jet lag kicked my ass.

Yesterday I hopped on one of those double decker London buses and toured around the city trying to identify the oldest possible piece of architecture. I think North Americans come over here and are memorized by how ancient everything is. If any random London building were located in Canada it would be deemed a "historical site" and pasted with 6 to 10 plaques. Either way Europeans are, it seems, over it. And so am I. (If you are still interested however I saw an ancient Roman wall, which was erected in 82 A.D.)
So I hopped off the bus at the Tate Modern Gallery and the most fascinating thing (besides the Picasso's and Pollack's) was the massive number of people that were there. You've got to admit that Art Gallery's in Canada are generally pretty Vacant...with the exception of a few popular shows. This place was busy like the Forum. I had to wait in line to read plaques and get a good look at the paintings. And mind you this is on a random Sunday afternoon in February.

Dudes in London dress well. Everyone is right on it. They're over trucker hats and faded jeans and they're already on to the next thing. And when people dress they're not afraid to go over the top. Girls walk around in 9-foot long bright orange scarves and (fake(I hope)) fur coats with cowboy boots that have 4 inch heals. I think it's awesome. I also feel now that I dress like a dork.

Camden market is wicked. This place is like a mediaeval shopping paradise. By that I don't mean that you can pick up armor for low low prices...I mean the buildings and stores are all nestled into this ancient brick labyrinth. And the shops are over the top! There was this raver store that was a huge (think marshmellowman) size collection of neon spiked accessories and 6" raised leather Nazi boots...insane. That stuff hardly even exists in Canada...

Off to France tomorrow.
The latest kick folks, if you haven't heard already, is the minishocka. It's the baby brotha of the regular shocka. For a full explanation and a roaring good time you should check out Thomas Campbell's (T. Moss's) latest surf flim "Sprout." T. Mossian is an amazing artist, although it can be hard to find examples of his shteeze on the web. He is the dude, however, that does the artwork for "The Shins."
jesus christ where am I?
so i arrived in london and after several hours lugging my luggage into and out of various tube spots I arrived in benthal green where my friend george is staying. George is a great man but as his beautiful aquaintance Hanna is in town, I felt it most curtious to establish myself with my recent south african friends phil, bridget, emma and so on. So after a night of debauchery and a mediocre london meat market, I am staying at they're gorgeous downtown apartment. Thank you very much Bridget for the hospitality.
I find being in this city completely mesmorizing. I frequently stop on the sidewalk to contemplate London and the people and what it is I'm doing here. I beleive the French have a word for individuals such as myself: Flauneur. (pete please correct me on this.)
Also of note: I havent slept in several days. I think...
last night
I had such an ausome time last night it was great to see everyone chill out and have some food and shots of Jag. Thanks to everyone from coming by, i love you guys and I'll miss you all. Especially roman...he's so SEXY!
I'm stressing out man...
So tonight at the rugby club, 9:00pm.
In the mean time I've got lots to do. No time to blog.
San Diego my Eggo
Dana, Diga and I just got back from a jolly good weekend in San Diego. The Bannana Bungalow is definately the place to stay if you're ever in town.
Saturday the surf was shit but we wanted to go. We were all under the impression that we would be able to get out, but no dice. If you still think it's tough to paddle out at cox bay, you've never been to mission beach. After five attempts I gave up. That night we rented these super sketchy cruiser bikes and rolled down the beach. Every other appartment was throwing a party. Dana tried to crash one, but apparently house party's on mission beach have bouncers, so once again no dice.

Sunday was much better. The waves had mellowed out and the wind died. We all made it out and had some good waves, but the paddelling killed us all.
Oh shit I almost forgot! Sunday night dinner was insane. An entire surrorety was had reseverd three quarters of the restaurant. There must have been two hundred blond Jessica Simpson look-a-likes running around in matching Phi Gamma Betta Sista t-shirts screaming "Oh my God!"

Photos to follow (of the surfing not the chicks you perv.)

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